August 2, 2011

Little Miracles

Hi There Family!
So it has been a week of work in Villa Carmen! Gustavo was FINALLY baptized on Saturday after lots prayers and trials...including the baptismal font overflowing and flooding the front doors of the chapel. Good thing all the chapels have tile floors! The service went well though and it´s been great to see how Gustavo´s countenance has changed through the process and how the ward is bringing him into the fold. Celeste also made it to church on Sunday so we could announce her baptism, so we´re planning that for this next Saturday, and after that hopefully Cesar´s the following week! I am so amazed at the progress I´ve seen in this area in just the few short weeks I´ve been here. My testimony of how the Lord prepares people continues to grow with each transfer. This week we taught Armando, who we´ve been visiting for a few weeks and always has these great big doubts when we arrive and by the time we leave has a big smile on his face. This week he committed to coming to church and praying specifically about the Book of Mormon, so we are excited to see his progress. We are also still visiting with Penelope, who was a contact from my first week here. Penelope is one special woman. She currently visits an evangelical church, but is searching for the truth and is visiting with missionaries of various faiths. However, yesterday we saw a miracle as we shared about the law of chastity and eternal families. Her husband left her a few years ago and she´s been struggling as a single mom ever since. However, we made yesterday´s visit with Felix, a new convert of about 7 months, and his testimony was JUST what she needed to hear, and is now committed to attending church with us next Sunday. I feel so much love for her and can´t wait for her to feel the Spirit at church! As far as the weather´s been pretty nutty lately. Lots of sun and heat in the mornings, and then torrential downpour in the afternoons. There is supposedly a hurricane moving our way, so who knows? Nonetheless, the work of the Lord moves forward and I am loving it! Thank you so much for all your love and prayers. Oh and Happy August!!!!!
Hermana Bradley

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